Early learning is one of the best economic investments we can make for our state. (For every dollar spent on early learning there is a return of seven dollars or more.) But that doesn't make it any less true. As part of an education continuum—from early learning through postsecondary education—high-quality early learning can close gaps before they begin.

A week ago, the Early Start Act passed out of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Ways and Means Committee with overwhelming support. The legislators who voted in favor of Early Start span both sides of the aisle and ends of the political spectrum. Despite any differences they may have, what they have in common is the leadership and vision needed to get Early Start across the finish line. The work is just beginning, and now it’s time to bring the Early Start Act to a floor vote in both the House and the Senate.

Please thank these early learning leaders for their support of the Early Start Act and encourage them to keep the momentum going strong—until Early Start becomes law: 


Thanks for all you do for kids.